3 Stoic Ideas that Will Change Your Life

3 min readJul 28, 2022

Today most people waste more time than ever seen in the history of our existence, even though we have the tools to be more productive than ever, to learn more than the generation before us, and it isn’t even close. We have countless hours of educational content at our fingertips, and most people spend more time bickering between their opinions, news, outside things that they have no control over, which is what led and motivated me to write this article. I’m not saying you can’t have an opinion or that you can’t express it or even debate about it, but you can’t let it consume you or your life. The most important thing is doing what’s important to you. What impact you have so when you get ingulfed in outside things try to remember these 3 stoic ideas to help you get back on track.

Everything We Hear is an Opinion Not a Fact

-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Photo by Zul Ahadi on Unsplash

Somewhat of a stoic legend Marcus Aurelius came up with this idea while writing to himself, he was an emperor of Rome, during a plague and financial crisis. To say he had a rough job with many influences on him is a huge understatement. He also said we have the power to not have opinions on topics, and even if we do have an opinion, we don’t have to let other’s opinions disturb our souls. What he means when saying this is we don’t have to let what others believe, say, or do affect the quality of our thoughts, we have the power to not give energy to their opinions. Instead, we can use that energy towards our own thoughts, to strengthen our own character and outlook on life.

Never Dwell on the Future, it is a Waste of Time

Dwelling on the future leads to nothing but unnecessary worrying and wasted time. We cannot predict the future events that will happen in our lives nor the outcomes of the events. We instead should put our thoughts and energy into the problems or tasks at hand. Put all of your energy into today’s problems and solutions and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow’s problems arise.

The Most Important Opinion Is Our Own

Most if not people all care more about ourselves more than other people, so why do we put so much into other people’s opinions without ever giving a thought to our own. We take heed in what other people say, and even worry about what they think, why? We don’t take into consideration the fact that our opinions are the only ones that matter in our lives. You can learn from others' opinions but that doesn’t mean you have to let every opinion out there affect you or give thought to those opinions. The lesson is to pick carefully what you put your thoughts into another quote from the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius in his book meditations says “Our life is what our thoughts make it.” Our life is made up of our thoughts, and decisions, so whatever you are thinking about is what you are bringing into your life. Everything you are putting your time into you are trading with your life. We all have a certain amount of time here so whatever you use it on you are trading part of your life for.




I began studying philosophy, stoicism, entrepreneurship & I decided to start writing articles to help people improve themselves as well as the world we live in.